Friday, September 01, 2006

Fuji Finepix not fine after all

I bought a Fuji Finepix digital camera a while back after being talked into it by the shopkeeper. I was going for the Canon Ixus but they were so popular they were out of stock in all the outlets I went to. Fuji Finepix supposedly had superior Super CCD technology as opposed to the normal Charged Couple Duplex (CCD) technology offered by others. I bought the Finepix and the pictures I took are always darker and fuzzier than the actual scene and I always had to use photoshop to brighten and sharpen it up. About a year after I used it, the LCD screen went crazy with pink and green shades of blur. When I took it to the service center, I was told that it was a common occurence in Fuji camera. The replacement part cost an arm and a leg, and has to be ordered from Japan and would take 1 month to arrive. I gave up trying to fix it and later on got a Canon Powershot and an Ixus. The Canon still work wonders after 2 years of use and the pix are much sharper than the Finepix. Moral of the story: don't trust Fuji with its bleeding edge SuperCCD technology, the normal CCD technology employed by most other brands work much better. Fuji, you better stick to your finepix claim. Your SuperCCD technology is crappy and faulty, just stick to regular CCD like the other brands man... save us some heartache.....